Do ya jive with my vibe?

I’m so glad you’ve landed here. But maybe you don’t know yet why you’ve landed here…so I’ll tell you about me and my journey to help answer that question and see if you want to stick around.

I am a mother to four humans, who amaze and craze me daily. I went through a few years of infertility to get pregnant with my first 2, and then the next 2 came as happy surprises, go figure! Early in my motherhood journey, I remember reading in a book something about our children being our greatest teachers. I may have forgotten exactly where I read that, but the message has really stuck with me over my years of this journey. Without them, I would not have had the will to keep going when I went through postpartum anxiety and depression, nor have been able to become the best version of myself through all the ups and downs of this journey. Mostly, I knew from the beginning of my motherhood journey that I would need to heal and be conscious enough to not pass on my trauma to them, and not parent them in a way so as to cause trauma for them. We have enough trauma in our timeline…the cycle ends with me.

On the more professional side, I have always been fascinated by the human mind, its connection to our entire being and to all we can’t yet see but we somehow perceive. This is the more socially acceptable way to say that I am totally into spirituality, meditation, living by design, and let’s throw crystals and astrology in there too for the hell of it. I love it all.

I may come across as a contradiction, because I also love science. I have a BSc. in Psychology and a Masters degree in Health Education. I am a certified GentleBirth Prenatal Instructor and certified Birth Doula and CAN Coach. To counterbalance my science junkie side I am also a certified meditation guide and a Holy Fire® Master Reiki practitioner. I love writing and it has been a lifelong dream of mine to write a book {I finally got around to that accomplishing that too! And I am working on my second book}. 

However, these designations don’t mean much if I didn’t have the life experience and my own personal journey of hitting rock bottom and finding my way back to wellbeing. To keep it short and simple, the year 2017 was a shitshow. I got extremely ill, burnt out and it took almost 6 months to figure out what was happening. After some tests and too much pain, I was diagnosed with 2 autoimmune conditions. I was in denial for a long time about how much of a lifelong impact these conditions would have on me. I thought I could fix it and it would go away. I changed a bunch of things in my life which did help so much (and still help me today) and I was in remission for a few years but then had a terrible relapse, aka flare-up, in 2020. I realized being healthy was more than just a few helpful supplements, medications and lifestyle changes. I decided to take this challenge as an opportunity to really face the truth and become more in alignment and begin prioritizing myself, my health and my selfcare in a wholistic way.
I had to choose if I was the victim or the creator of my own life. This mindset shift was instrumental in being able to finally do something about all the shit going down. It was a dark, painful, excruciating process, but so very necessary. It also opened my eyes to the fact that there was something else going on with me, that had been going on for as long as I could remember, and I decided to ask for help. This was when I got diagnosed with ADHD. Everything changed, again. Growth is painful. Especially soul journey growth.

This difficult journey back to wellness, has led me to open up doors I may have been too scared and hesitant to open before. In May 2020, in the early stages of the global pandemic, I opened my business Surface Float Wellness Centre. Here we offer Floatation Therapy, IR Sauna, Massage Therapy, AudioVisual Brainwave Entrainment, Reiki, and offer wellness products that help set a solid foundation so our body can do what it does best: heal itself! Our mission is to help our clients #BreakUpWithStress. Stress is such a toxic and pervasive state almost everyone experiences, and chronic stress can have devastating effects on our health and wellness. These modalities have helped me tremendously, I love being able to help others experience the many benefits they offer.

I am a float junkie, in the most positive sense of the word. I love floating. I love how floating has changed my life. I love seeing how it is changing other people’s lives. I love going deeper and deeper into my floating practice and learning as much as I can. Spreading awareness and evidence based information on floatation therapy and its benefits is something I have a fiery passion to do! I live for it!

I love speaking on these topics, providing educational sessions and helping in whatever way I can to help make this modality more accessible to everyone.

I love my work because it is a calling. I do my best to infuse everything I do with deep intention, intuitiveness, compassion and a passion for utilizing nature and our own innate abilities to heal.

I don’t believe I am an expert in any way and I for sure don’t have it all figured out. But one thing I know for sure is that we don’t reach out and ask for help and support enough. When we find others going through or that have been through similar ordeals, it helps and gives us strength to keep going. So that’s all I am here to do: share my journey and what has helped me, to be a lighthouse to others who may currently feel they are in the dark.

I want to connect with other like-minded peeps on this crazy soul journey to create impactful ripple effects via in person and online collaborations and to help learn and raise awareness about what actually helps people on similar journeys.

In other words, if you are looking for solutions to help you or a loved one with mental health disorders and conditions (eg anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, etc), with autoimmune diseases, with chronic pain, with emotional depletion and burnout…then we need to chat!

If the work you are doing helps people with any or all of the above…then we need to chat! I’m all about the collabs!

If you are looking for someone to speak at an event, information session, retreat, etc on the above topics and infuse it with a solution based approach to help educate your participants on how float therapy can help–let’s chat!

