
For local (Fredericton) purchases, please email me to buy a copy and we can arrange local pickup.

My new book has recently been published and I am so happy to share it with you.

If you recognize the importance of introducing the concepts of manifestation, of undoing limiting beliefs, boosting self -worth, and living in alignment….then this story is for you and the littles you love.

Thank you for your support!

No More Strawberries

Elissa lives on a strawberry farm with her family…and she has a big dream that she doesn’t know how to share with them. In this inspiring story, Elissa learns the important lesson that her truth and following her dream are more important than being or doing something that isn’t authentic to who she is.

You Can Find The Book At the Following Places:

For local (Fredericton) purchases, please email me to buy a copy and I will also arrange contactless delivery to your doorstep!